Pool heat pump for a commercial or multifamily location
Required Forms & Documents
- Application for Trade Permit
- Notice of Commencement (1 copy signed and recorded): Any improvement for which the direct contract price is greater than $5,000. Must be submitted prior to scheduling the first inspection.
- Product Specifications: Please provide the complete number for materials (e.g. windows, doors, roof covering, siding, soffits, etc.) to include the number after the decimal point – not the revision “R” number (i.e. 251 is the general number with several different configurations – complete number would be 251.1, etc.). Product approvals can be researched at floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_srch.aspx (FL #s) or miamidade.gov/building/pc-search_app.asp (NOA #s)
- Building Flat: $90
- Surcharge: $4
Note: Payments by check should be made payable to either "CCBCC" or Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. Payments are also accepted by Mastercard or Visa credit or debit cards.
Eligible Licenses for This Permit
- Certified Master Plumber
- Certified Swimming Pool Class A
- Certified Swimming Pool Class C
- Registered Master Plumber
- Registered Swimming Pool Class A
- Registered Swimming Pool Class C
Department Reviews
- Electrical (if applicable): Ensure that the proposed structure or component will comply with the electrical provisions of the National Electrical Code (NEC)
- Plumbing: Ensure that the proposed structure or component will comply with the plumbing provisions of the Florida Building Code.
- Dependent upon the project location and scope of work. Inspections will show on job card.
- Please make sure manufacturer specifications are at the job site.