Removal and replacement of substandard drywall (aka Chinese Drywall) including the removal and replacement of any components damaged by the drywall (subcontractors required).
Required Forms & Documents
- Application for Construction Permit (1 original signed): 1-page form
- Notice of Commencement (1 copy recorded): Any improvement for which the direct contract price is greater than $5,000. Must be submitted prior to scheduling the first inspection.
- Drawings/Plans/Engineering (3 sets): Plans showing existing conditions and proposed new construction. Must be wet seal if applying for a permit through our office. Digitally signed & sealed engineered plans for contractors using our online portal.
- Energy Calculations
- Subcontractor Worksheet (1 original or copy): Submit if contractor is hiring a subcontractor to perform any electric, mechanical, plumbing or roofing.
- Pre-App Fee: $200
- Building Flat Fee: $200 if ICC Valuation less than $50,000
- Surcharge: 0.025 x Building Fee; minimum of $4
- Building: 0.005 x ICC Valuation if more than or equal to $50,000 in valuation - less the Pre-Application Fee
Note: Payments by check should be made payable to either "CCBCC" or Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. Payments are also accepted by Mastercard or Visa credit or debit cards.
Licenses That Can Pull This Permit Type
- Owner-Builder: Not more than $75,000 in cost. Must not rent or sell the property within one (1) year of completion of the permit.
- Certified Building
- Certified Drywall
- Certified General
- Registered Building
- Registered Drywall
- Registered General
Department Reviews
- Building: A review of the proposed work to ensure that the structure will be in compliance with the applicable structural requirements of the Florida Building Code. This also includes wind loads and flood loads.
Typical Inspections/Certifications/As Builts
- Building Final (925): Made after all work is complete. Electrical, mechanical, plumbing, driveway and tree final inspections may be made prior to the building final inspection.
- Drywall Rough (394)
- Electric Final (935): Made once power is connected to the building, all electrical work has been completed and all electrical trim is installed.
- Electric Rough (300): Made after the installation of all electrical boxes and rough wiring.
- Framing (200): Made after all construction is dried in and after all applicable rough electrical, plumbing, mechanical and gas inspections have been made. There should be no insulation installed prior to the inspection.
- HVAC Final (945):Made after all connections and equipment are installed and complete.
- HVAC Rough (400): Made after all rough duct-work is installed and after any required condensate lines and exhaust vents are installed.
- Insulation (281): Made once the required insulation is installed. Blown-in attic insulation will be inspection during the building final inspection.
- Plumbing Final (975): Made after all plumbing work has been completed and all fixtures installed.
- Plumbing Rough (700): Made after all rough piping is installed, including tubs, and the system is filled with water or pressure test is applied.