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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Commercial Swimming Pool or Spa

Construction of a pool and its associated equipment at a commercial or multifamily location (also includes spas and swim spas)

Required Forms & Documents

All documentation: If applying in person, 2 original signed/sealed sets required; if applying online, 1 original signed/sealed set required

  • Application for Construction Permit 
  • Notice of Commencement (1 copy signed and recorded): Any improvement for which the direct contract price is greater than $5,000. Must be submitted prior to scheduling the first inspection.
  • Drawings/Plans/Engineering: Any structural proposed work (i.e. footing if deck is supporting a pool cage, pool shell, etc.). Must convey the full extent of proposed work – legible and of sufficient clarity. Drawings/plans need to be signed and sealed. If applying for a permit in person, plans must be wet or embossed with a signature. If applying for a permit online, plans must be digitally signed and sealed with a third-party verification (see User Information).
  • Documentation in compliance with the Pool & Spa Safety Act for drain covers, flow, and pipe sizing through dual or multiple drains in accordance with the ANSI/APSP-7 Standard for suction entrapment avoidance in swimming pools, wading pools, spas, hot tubs, and catch basins:
    • Total Dynamic Head (TDH) Calculations
      • Calculating TDH: Engineered calculations of the sum of all resistances in a complete operating system (pipe, fittings, valves, filter, heater, etc.); or,
      • Performing a simplified TDH calculation: A method of determining the maximum system flow rate using hydraulic calculations based on the lowest possible total dynamic head (TDH) for a circulation system. For example, calculate pipe resistance using the shortest distance between the pool and the pump, omitting the calculations for fittings/valves, and using the best performance ratings for filters and heaters; or,
      • Using the maximum flow capacity of the pump (this will be shown on the pump performance curve provided by the manufacturer.
    • Drain covers: Suction outlet covers/grates shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory as conforming to the most recent edition of ASME/ANSI and include a permanently marked flow rating tested to prevent hair entrapment.
  • Site Plan: Site plan to clearly show all the dimensions of the pool deck. Setbacks shall be shown with dimensions.
  • Subcontractor Worksheet: Required if contractor is hiring a subcontractor to perform any electric or plumbing
  • State of Florida Department of Health (FDOH): Provide proof from FDOH submittal


At Time of Application
  • Building Flat: $200
At Time of Issuance
  • Right-of-Way Review: $90
  • Surcharge: 0.025 x building fee; minimum of $4
  • Zoning Review: $22

Note: Payments by check should be made payable to either "CCBCC" or Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. Payments are also accepted by Mastercard or Visa credit or debit cards.

Eligible Licenses for This Permit

  • Certified General: Must subcontract to a Swimming Pool Class A
  • Certified Swimming Pool Class A
  • Registered General: Must subcontract to a Swimming Pool Class A
  • Registered Swimming Pool Class A

Department Reviews

  • Intake/Sufficiency: A review of the application and its required documents to verify completeness for acceptance and payment of initial fees
  • Building: A review of the proposed work to ensure that the structure will be in compliance with the applicable structural requirements of the Florida Building Code. This also includes wind loads and flood loads.
  • Electrical: Ensure that the proposed structure or component will comply with the electrical provisions of the National Electrical Code (NEC)
  • Fire: Ensure that the proposed structure or component will comply with the National Fire Prevention Code (NFPA)
  • Plumbing: Ensure that the proposed structure or component will comply with the plumbing provisions of the Florida Building Code
  • Right-of-Way: A review the proposed work for impacts to the county right-of-way (ROW) and/or easements and determine what, if any, inspections will be required
  • Zoning: A review the proposed work for compliance with the land development regulations. This includes zoning, setbacks and any other regulations pertaining to the location and type of structure.


  • Dependent upon the project location and scope of work. Inspections will show on job card.

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