Permit to hold a special event temporary use (e.g. carnival, fair, tent sale, etc.) on commercially zoned property. See Sec. 3-9-87 of the Zoning Code.
Required Forms & Documents
- Temporary Use Permit Application
- Site Plan: Provide a hand-drawn site plan
- Proof of Liability Insurance: Certificate holder as Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners
- Contract for Restrooms & Trash Disposal
- Letter of Credit: Only required for Type 2 and 3 events
- Type 1 - Small, Pre-Application Fee: No Charge
- Type 2 - Midsize, Pre-Application Fee: $300
- Type 3 - Large, Pre-Application Fee: $1,000
Note: Payments by check should be made payable to either "CCBCC" or Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. Payments are also accepted by Mastercard or Visa credit or debit cards.
Department Reviews
- EMS: Verification of Emergency Medical Services access and provision.
- Fire (if applicable): Ensure that the proposed structure or component will comply with the National Fire Prevention Code (NFPA)
- Public Works
- Sheriff
- Zoning: A review the proposed work for compliance with the land development regulations. This includes zoning, setbacks and any other regulations pertaining to the location and type of structure.
- Zoning inspection to ensure the event is no longer on site and all debris has been removed.