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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Bayshore Live Oak Park - West Fishing Pier

Project Description

Design and construction of the replacement of the western most fishing pier at Bayshore Live Oak Park located at 23157 Bayshore Road in Port Charlotte.

Project Location

Bayshore Live Oak Park

23157 Bayshore Road

Port Charlotte, FL 33980

Latest Updates

Engineering assessment of the current structure is complete.

Design of replacemment pier is complete.

An exemption permit has been approved through FDEP.

Changes were required due to the federal Army Corps of Engineers review denial for an emergency permit. New submittal in progress for complete USACE permit based on new design requirements.

Submitted for complete USACE permit.

Continues to be in USACE permitting review.


Phase Cost
Design $100,000.00
Funding source(s): Capital Improvement funding


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Design Development 12/01/2021 12/02/2024

Project Phase
Planning and Project Approval

Last Updated

Project Manager
Lonne Moore

Public Relations
Breanna Benevenga
Email Public Relations

Project Number

Sponsor Department
Community Services

Design Engineer/Architect
Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc.

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