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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Dorchester Street Sidewalk

Project Description

The Greater Port Charlotte Street & Drainage MSBU advisory board has requested the design and construction of a new 6' sidewalk on Dorchester, Bachmann Boulevard and Yancy Street.

Project Location

This project will include the design of new 6-foot sidewalks on the Southside of Bachmann Boulevard from Atwater Street to Dorchester Street, on the West side of Dorchester Street from Bachmann Boulevard to Yancy Street, and the West side of Yancy Street from Dorchester Street to Midway Boulevard.

Latest Updates

The MSBU committee vote to split this project into 2 phases for construction phase 1 will be from Midway Blvd. to Peachland Blvd. phase 2 will be from Peachland Blvd. to Atwater St. The project pre-construction meeting was held and Feb. 3rd. 2025 was set as the start date. FPL crews are on site trimming vegetation to allow for the relocation of their poles as they complete this the contractor will set up to start their work. The watermain replacement will take place first with the sidewalk following behind that.


Phase Cost
Design $155,255.00
Construction $1,700,000.00
Total Budget $1,855,255.00
Funding source(s): This project is funded by the Greater Port Charlotte Street & Drainage MSBU.


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Design Development 07/07/2020 02/25/2022 03/01/2022
Construction 02/03/2025 03/10/2026
Turnover & Closeout 04/06/2026 04/30/2026

Supporting Materials

Project Phase

Last Updated

Project Manager
Raymond Slade

Public Relations
Chad Ray
Email Public Relations

Sponsor Department
Public Works

Design Engineer/Architect
Southwest Engineering & Design, Inc. (SED)

Construction Contractor

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