Project Description
This expansion project represents a crucial investment in enhancing wastewater treatment capacity and infrastructure resilience to meet the needs of the growing community served by the East Port Water Reclamation Facility.
Project Location
3100 Loveland Blvd., Port Charlotte, Florida 33980
Latest Updates
The project is currently under construction.Budget
Phase | Cost |
Engineering | $3,265,253.00 |
Construction | $106,188,600 |
Total Budget | $109,453,853 |
State Revolving Fund loan, Supplemental Appropriations for Hurricane Ian and Fiona grant, American Rescue Plan Act grant and Utilities' Capital Improvement Funds
Phase | Estimated Start Date | Forecast Completion | Actual Completion |
Design Development | 12/02/2019 | 11/30/2023 | 11/15/2023 |
Construction | 02/15/2024 | 11/30/2026 |
Project Phase
Last Updated
Project Manager
Hendrik Dolleman
Public Relations
Caroline Wannall
Email Public Relations
Design Engineer/Architect
Jones Edmunds
Construction Contractor
Poole & Kent Company