Project Description
This project includes the construction of the replacement of Lift Station #2. Work also includes replacements of the 6" wastewater force main and the 8" water main along Conway Boulevard.Project Location
Lift Station #2 - Conway Boulevard and Dalton Boulveard near the Sharon Circle Park.Project Impacts
It has been discovered that a manhole and section of pipe will need replacement. This was not in the original scope of work.Latest Updates
A portion of Sharon Circle Park will be closed to the public for one year beginning Nov. 16, 2020. The contactor will be storing material and equipment in an enclosed fenced area on the park grounds.
Water main and sewer force main installation completed. Lift station installation substantially completed and waiting for final FDEP clearance.
Phase | Cost |
Construction | $1,284,331.02 |
Total Budget | $1,284,331.02 |
Phase | Estimated Start Date | Forecast Completion | Actual Completion |
Turnover & Closeout | 11/01/2020 | 12/31/2021 | 01/03/2022 |

Project Phase
Project Complete
Last Updated
Project Manager
Jody Pressley
Public Relations
Caroline Wannall
Email Public Relations
Sponsor Department
Construction Contractor
Andrew Sitework, LLC of Fort Myers, Florida