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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Supervisor of Elections Warehouse

Project Location

Relocate from current site residing in the south county on Airport Road Annex. New site selection is located centralized within the county providing efficient staff utilization during elections. Current warehouse location will conflict with new sheriff's district office and consolidated training operations in FY 20-21. Move will enable larger, modern space to accomodate climate controlled secure storage.

Latest Updates

Construction Update:

  • All footings are complete.
  • Form work for tilt panels has started, including installation of formliner and rebar. 
  • Stormwater Drainage installation has started, including roughly 150 linear feet of RCP (reinforced concrete pipe) in the ground, and the installation of structures. 
  • Elevator pit formwork in progress, including below grade waterproofing. 


Phase Cost
Design $395,340.00
Total Budget $4,700,000.00


Phase Estimated Start Date Forecast Completion Actual Completion
Design Development 01/20/2022 05/19/2023
Construction 05/03/2024 02/01/2026
Supervisor of Elections Warehouse Project Image

Project Phase
Planning and Project Approval

Last Updated

Project Manager
Justin Dunn

Public Relations
Brian Gleason
Email Public Relations

Project Number

Construction Contractor
Wharton Smith

Sales Tax Project

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