Allows removal of trees and/or mulching and bush hogging on a residential site. Complete clearing of a property is not allowed without an associated building permit.
Required Forms & Documents
- Application Package for a Tree Permit
- Site Plan
- Additional paperwork: If rental property, must have property owners’ written consent
- Protected Species Assessment (if applicable)
- Any State and/or Federal permits (if applicable)
- Tree Permit Basics Brochure
- Tree Point Worksheet & Approved Tree List
- Guide to Environmental Permitting in Charlotte County
- Natural Resources: Commercial - $80, Residential - $70
Note: Payments by check should be made payable to either "CCBCC" or Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. Payments are also accepted by Mastercard or Visa credit or debit cards.
Department Reviews
- Intake/Sufficiency: A review of the application and its required documents to verify completeness for acceptance and payment of initial fees
- Natural Resources: Verify that the proposed work will not impact a protected species (such as scrub jays, gopher tortoises, etc.). This includes coastal lighting impact on sea turtles.
- Tree: Verify that trees proposed for removal are not heritage trees and ensure that the required amount of trees needed to be planted are indicated on the required drawings
- Dependent upon the project location and scope of work. Inspections will show on job card.
- Note: All proposed site development must first obtain a Charlotte County Tree Permit before any clearing of the site may begin. Please note that compliance with the landscaping does not or may not fully meet tree point requirements. Plans that are not approved must be revised to come into minimum compliance with Charlotte County Code and be resubmitted for review prior to approval.