Charlotte 2-1-1 provides telephone access to trained information and referral specialists, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - providing the right information in the right way at the right time.
Dial 2-1-1 24 hours a day, everyday.
Charlotte County residents in Englewood, TTY users & other areas may dial 941-205-2161.
Non COVID-19 Financial Assistance
Non COVID-19 Help Available Now.
Are you experiencing financial difficulties not caused by COVID-19?
Utility Bill Assistance
Most programs require participants to be at or below a specific level of household income according to the Federal Income Guidelines and provide certain documentation. Assistance is based on household size and maximum income qualifications based on availability of funds.
Households may also be eligible for help with mortgage and rent.
Please contact Charlotte County Human Services at 941.833.6500 if you have any questions.
2-1-1 Online Resource Directory
Charlotte 2-1-1’s online resource database contains over 600 health and human service providers, representing local services available throughout Charlotte County. Our goal is to expedite the exchange of information between customers and service providers.
The online resource database provides information about healthcare, employment, educational, legal, housing, mental health/addiction counseling, transportation needs, local government information, human services, non-profit and faith-based organizations, disaster relief resources, volunteer opportunities, and much more.
Charlotte 2-1-1 is part of a statewide program of 2-1-1 providers that is dedicated to helping Florida veterans.
Our state has the third largest veteran population in the nation with 1,755,680 veterans calling Florida home. Charlotte 2-1-1 is working in conjunction with the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs and the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay to provide a help-line where veterans can receive both emotional support and linkages to community resources.
By calling the Florida Veterans Support Line at 1-844-MYFLVET (693-5838), or 2-1-1, veterans are able to talk with someone who can help them through the difficulties of transitioning back to civilian life. The program offers comprehensive information and referral to VA-funded services and hundreds of additional community-based services. Emotional support provided by trained professionals.
If you know a veteran who might need assistance, please share this web page and encourage them to call 1-844-MYFLVET (693-5838) or 2-1-1.
Intake Services
1050 Loveland Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33980