Real Estate Services is responsible for coordinating identification of County owned surplus real property.
In periodically developing lists of properties proposed to be disposed of, Real Estate Services coordinates reviews by other county departments and prepares the applicable resolution for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners. If the list is approved by the Board, Real Estate Services offers the parcels to other governmental agencies. If there is no identified public need, the parcels will normally be disposed of through a bid process managed by the county's Purchasing Department. Once a successful bid has been awarded, Real Estate Services guides the transaction to closing.
Purchasing Department Bid List
If you have a particular interest in a specific lot owned by the county, please contact the Real Estate Services Division at 941.764.5580 or email, identifying the lot either by its short legal description found in the Property Appraiser's Data Sheet, or by street address. If the lot is subsequently released for disposal, you will be notified.