The Public School Facilities Element describes the location, capacity, and current usage of the public educational facilities in the County. The Element covers elementary, middle, and high schools as well as specialized and charter schools and administrative facilities. By establishing Level of Service standards for each type of educational facility, the School Board can identify areas of existing and anticipated deficiencies. Projects intended to correct deficiencies are found in the Capital Improvements Element.
Supporting Data & Analysis
- Supporting Policy & Analysis Maps (SPAM Series Maps)
- SCH Data & Analysis
- Data & Analysis - Appendix A
- Map 1: Elementary School Boundary
- Map 2: Middle School Boundary
- Map 3: High School Boundary
- Map 4: Ancillary Facilities Locations
- Map 5: Future School Locations
- Map 6: Elementary School Concurrency Service Areas
- Map 7: Middle School Concurrency Service Areas
- Map 8: High School Concurrency Service Areas
- Map 9: Co-Location Opportunities